Dental Implants: A Better Solution to Missing Teeth

A smile is an important part of who we are. We catch a glimpse of it when we are happy, when we laugh, and when we are excited. You should be able to feel those moments to their full extent, but for some people, that feeling is clouded by a lack of confidence due to...

3 Ways Your Bite Affects Overall Mouth Health

Occlusion, or the way your upper and lower teeth fit together, is more important than many people realize. In fact, a proper bite ensures your teeth come together in a way that doesn’t cause damage to your jaw or tooth enamel. A bite is considered normal when all back...

The Importance of Preventative Dentistry

Everyone knows that brushing and flossing are the first steps to healthy teeth and gums. The American Dental Association recommends brushing and flossing twice daily, but these are not the only steps you can take to prevent dental issues. Seeking out preventative care...

5 Benefits of Flossing

Taking good care of your teeth is a lifelong practice. Most people have no trouble committing to brushing their teeth after meals or at least twice a day, but flossing isn’t always a part of everyone’s dental hygiene routine. However, flossing regularly has...

Clearly Invisalign: Why It’s a Great Choice for Adults and Kids

For quite some time, the only way to fix misaligned teeth was to go to your orthodontist’s office and get braces. However, not everyone is fond of the idea of braces. For adults, wearing braces could be embarrassing and cause a lack of confidence. For kids, the idea...

Veneers: What Issues Can They Solve?

A study commissioned by the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) discovered that more than one-third of Americans are unhappy with the appearance of their smile. Luckily, there are options for those who wish for a more aesthetically pleasing look. If you are...